Ravenhill Clearance Services Logo
0330 666 5555

House Clearances Sheffield.

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Trade Waste Removal image
Commercial Waste Clearance image

House clearance services.

If you're looking for a house clearance service, then you've found the right place. We take care of all sorts clearance services, such as emptying a full house on behalf of a landlord, or helping an executor clear a home after a bereavement, right through to assisting a homeowner who feels bogged down by too much mess and clutter.

Ravenhill Clearance Services Ltd operate in their hometown of Sheffield but provide their services in a wider area throughout Yorkshire and Derbyshire. If you are looking for a quality house clearance service, then get in touch with us today and leave the rest to the professionals.

Being a fully licensed and insured clearance company means that we dispose of everything correctly and in the right facilities. Unlike a lot of cheap cowboys out there who will take your money and fly tip your items, we ensure that everything is recycled where possible, furniture that can be reused is donated to people in need, and only the bits that we can't recycle or move along are taken to the commercial landfill.